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Our route in Thailand.Pratical informations, informations pratiques, notre route et points gpsMonday 12 July 2010 1. Our route through ThailandRoadmapsA five months trip in 5 journeys. 60 days from 30 August 2009 to 29 October 2009
From Malaysia to Cambodia.
GPS file; see zip file footer 2. Changing money, ATMs, Visa cardIt’s best to bring both US dollars or Euros, they can be exchanged everywhere. The ATMs are every where. Look for the yellow one, which does’nt charge transaction, other charge 150 baths (3 Euros 50) 3. Financial summaryThe rate was 4000 baths to a euro. On average we spent 15 Euros without Gasoil per day. 4.Third-party insurance :In Thailand we did buy third-party insurance for 6 months at the border. 5.Carnet de Passage :
All border crossings were a piece of cake. We crossed the following borders:
The CDP is not recognized in Thailand. You will have to register your car for a temporary importation of a month at the custom border. Meaning , if you have a 2 months visa, that you have to extend it in Bangkok near the harbour at the custom office. Take a cab, and show this adress to the driver. Office is in the third floor of the 8 building. Doc adress in thai. Once registered, keep the folder number, for the others border crossing. Remember also, that so you can’t leave your vehicle for a long time, as in Malaysia or Cambodia. 6.Visa:At the land border, when you enter in Thailand you can’t buy a visa. You just get a stamp for 15 days. Visas must be request at the Thailand Embassy, in a foreign country (at that time, it was free of charge!). We didn’t extend our visa of 2 months. 7.Car, diesel, petrol stations, roadmap As prices are varying,....to be update.....Good quality. 8.Bucéphale, the truck :We drove during ? days of travelling in Thailand we covered ? kilometres [an average of ? kilometres per day]. Major preventive maintenance on the car has been done by my self. All services can be found easily on the road. We have done suspension maintenance in Bangkok. 9.Traffic:Bangkok is really busy town, but traffic is ok on the express way, if you accept to pay 45 baths! It’s better to leave the car and used local taxi or mini-bus to get in. Outside Bangkok, there is not much traffic on the road. People drive slowly and are very preventives. Remember, just drive in the move in the middle line. In Thailand, it’s a right hand driving. 10.Roads and road maps:The National Highways are perfect and hudge. Once off the National Highways, you are most likely to find yourself on them again as secondary roads are so well. The Rough guide map [Thailand] was all right. For my serenity in the truck, I have used the Rotweiller maps [1] for Garmin GPS, fully documented. 11.Public transport Ferry crossings:
12.Paid accommodation and bush campingOf all the nights we spent: 6 in lovely resorts. 150 in the car on spots for which we don’t paid.
13.Daily expendituresWe hadn’t coked in South East Asia, so we hadn’t buy food. 14.Food : Thailand has spicy food. You can find cheap food stalls everywhere along the road. The towns have restaurants with a larger variety of dishes. Our favourite were river restaurants, with delicious fish dishes. Beer is available everywhere. Thailand is one of the best nations for cooking. Without wine and cheese producers, it will never be the fist! 15.Water : We still filter our water, which works just fine. If you don’t, you can refill with the white bottles of 20 litres, which is pure for sale everywhere. 16.Gas : They have a different tape for the 13 kg bottles, so you have to find some workshop to make the adaptation. I have done it. Then in every where, it will be easy to refill. If you plane to go to Laos, do it now, there is now gas over there. Attached documents
Footnotes[1] Le site: http://rotweilermaps.com/ |